Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Thanks to Ruth for hosting...

Discover. Play. Build.
  • I'm starting a new series. Nathan H.
  • The book fair because I'm so excited to get a book. Sophia
  • Going to the spring music concert. Andrew
  • I got seven books at the book fair yesterday. Ava
  • Sumdog - because on Sumdog, I moved up to a narwhal. Libby
  • My teacher giving us mousse and helping us notice our thinking because we started off with powder. Sophia

Saturday, March 22, 2014

First Celebration

A friend of mine hosts a celebration on her site on Saturdays...I'm asking the kids to join in too.

Here's their celebrations from the week...

I want to celebrate writing because writing makes reading and I love reading. - Kenley
I want to celebrate everything because I am having the best day ever. - Sophia
I want to celebrate my baby sister. - Andrew
I want to celebrate reading because I started a chapter book yesterday and now I am on page 90! - Libby.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

We know what to do...

When you get a new student, you never know how the class will react.  Well, reading workshop began and I wanted to give our new classmate time to find books before listening to him read.  What happened amazed me...the class let him be.  They didn't show him books, they didn't bombard him, they didn't interrupt him.  They just let him join us in one of my favorite times of the day...reading!

Our reading...

Friday, March 7, 2014

How to books (playlist)

How to books (playlist)

I finally have the books up.  I might be missing one or two, but will check over our iPads and finish them up.  It took a while to find the videos...that's what happens when you have more than one profile on Google...but I hope you enjoy them!