Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Thanks to Ruth for hosting...

Discover. Play. Build.
  • I'm starting a new series. Nathan H.
  • The book fair because I'm so excited to get a book. Sophia
  • Going to the spring music concert. Andrew
  • I got seven books at the book fair yesterday. Ava
  • Sumdog - because on Sumdog, I moved up to a narwhal. Libby
  • My teacher giving us mousse and helping us notice our thinking because we started off with powder. Sophia


  1. I like hearing students' celebrations from their perspective!

  2. Nathan--it's so much fun to start new books...the adventure begins!
    Sophia--when I was your age, I LOVED the book fair (still do!)
    Andrew--I thought the spring concert was awesome!
    Ava--you are so books! You will have a lot to read over spring break!
    Libby are a, you have to explain to mom what that is ;)
    Sophia--was it chocolate mousse? Yummy!!

  3. Nathan H. I hope that you enjoy the new series.
    Sophia the book fair was something I looked forward to every year when I was in school.
    Andrew the spring concert was a lot of fun. You all did a great job!
    Libby congrats on becoming a narwhal...even though I am not sure what that is. :)
    Sophia I bet the mousse was yummy!!
    Ava I love that you enjoy reading so much and I love to see your eyes light up when you pick out a new book to read. I hope that you enjoy all of the ones that you chose.
